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Suspicious Passenger • 2019 rpg

Adelina T • no link

Two teams: Passengers, Officers.

Passengers want to pass all Officers and get on the plane. Officers want to catch criminals and get a promotion. Each Officer has his own secret rule to check Passengers by their stories. Example: age, name, ethnicity, using verbs, using too short words, single/married, any prejustice.

Passenger tells about himself and trip purpose. If Officer is triggered, he rejects Passenger as suspicious and gets promotion point.

Fast mode:
Rejected Passenger goes home. Winners - Passengers on board, Officer with max promotion points.

Light mode:
Rejected Passenger goes to the end of the queue and talk to Officer more warely next time. Game ends when all Passengers are on board. Win Officer with max promotion points.

Hard mode:
New Passengers - Real Criminal and VIP. No one knows who they are. Officer can call the police to catch Real Criminal. If Officer guess, he wins. If VIP is rejected or caught, Officer lost his promotion points. If Real Criminal gets on the plane, only he wins.

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