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Night Monsters • 2019 rpg

Ron Lundeen •

You are boggarts, hobs, bogles, or similar fey creatures that skulk at the edge of society. You are shackled to the humans you hate-their pillows are comfortable, their liquor is marvelous, and their keys are delicious. You lair near what they call a "suburb," and each night you venture from what they call "Puck's Hollow Nature Park" into human houses to steal things and cause trouble. 

Take 7 d6s. Apply 1 to 4 to each of Lurk (hobs are best at being sneaky), Beguile (bogles are best at enchanting mortal minds), and Bully (boggarts can loom frightfully). Choose a Great Fear you must flee from (like running water, mirrors, or clanging windchimes) and a Great Rage you must fight (like dogs, pool toys, or mailboxes).

Roll your appropriate dice when performing a task; rolling any 5 or 6 means success. Failure increases your risk of getting spotted or adds complications. 

At sundown, each night monster picks a different Mischief (such as to break a house's mirrors, steal its whiskey, or befoul its milk). Help each other complete Mischiefs during the night, taking turns narrating to describe Obstacles (such as tall fences, curious teens, angry dogs, or automated sprinklers).

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