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Broken Memories • 2019 rpg

Kristel Nyberg • no link

2-3 players, pen, index cards, one D6

One character is losing their memories. The other(s) (each) play a loved one.
Begin by defining character relationship(s). Then, take turns creating memories. Talk about the past of your characters, hopes and dreams, things that happened, things you did together. Write each memory on an index card, using as many words as you like. Stop when you feel like you have created enough memories: around 15 cards will work.

The one losing their memories begins. Roll the die. With 1-2, choose one memory and rip the card. With 3-4, choose two and with 5 or 6 choose three. If there are two loved ones, you can rebalance by ripping one memory on a 1, two on 2-3 and three on a 4-6.

The loved one(s) try to combat the memory loss. In turn, roll the die. Recreate a lost memory or create a new one, but you can only use as many words as the number on your die roll.

The game ends when all the memories are torn up. The person losing their memories might still be alive, but who they were is gone.

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