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Your Wish... • 2019 rpg

David Walker • no link

This game requires a lamp or a candle.  One of you plays a Genie the other the Master. 

The Master is avaricious or desperate. Take the lamp describing how they came to own it then proclaim "oh great Genie, grant me this wish". The wish must be world changing - the Master describes why it matters to them. 

The Genie is capricious or cruel. Hold the lamp, then respond "oh great and wise master, your wish is my command!" the Genie describes something of themselves or how they came to be and what they do to twist the Master's wish. 

Repeat all spoken words and world building questions in the following rounds. 

The Master wishes again trying cunningly to correct the imperfection they repeat the proclamation and make their wish. 

The Genie once again gives their response to the Master's petition, gleefully trying to outwit the Master 

The Master wishes for the final time cajoling for their true intention to be fulfilled - repeating the proclamation, describing and wishing. 

The Genie, considers the threat and responds, to the Master. 

Each then gives an epilogue describing the impact of the wish. 

Change roles and play again.

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