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FUN IS BANNED • 2019 rpg

Connor Dunn •

Components: d4, d6

3+ players: One is Judge, rest are citizens.
Judge picks first citizen to interrogate, asks how their day was.
First citizen rolls dice, talks about their day at [LOCATION] with [PERSON].

LOCATION is determined by 1d4 roll:
	1- Party
	2- Beach
	3- Concert
	4- Amusement Park
 PERSON is determined by 1d6 roll:
	1- Significant other
	2- Best friend
	3- Your clone
	4- 1d6 clones
	5- Canadian Prime Minister
	6- Any religious deity

Other citizens are terrified of Judge, and will sabotage speaker to save themselves.
Each other citizen may interject once and add to the story, hindering the speaking citizen. Speaking citizen incorporates and explains additions to satisfactory degree, determined by Judge.

Topics like domestic/sexual abuse shouldn't be used. Players may decide on other banned topics before play.

If speaking citizen is ever happy in their story, Judge takes them away for breaking the law.
If anyone else in speaking citizen's story appears to be happy, Judge takes them away for failure to report a crime.

If story is satisfactory, Judge deems the citizen innocent, and it's the next citizen's turn to be interrogated. Play continues until all citizens have been interrogated.

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