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Electric Hearts • 2019 rpg

Ryan Dziuba •

All the Humans are gone. The circumstances of their extinction do not matter. It was so long ago, the world has stopped caring. Nature reclaimed the cities, and Animals roam the new wilderness. It is peaceful, but lonely.

You are a ROBOT, one of the few remaining creations of the Humans. 
You start with PROGRAMMING 3 and FEELINGS 1

They made you for a specific purpose your binary code still compels you to accomplish. When acting according to your programming, flip coins equal to your PROGRAMMING. If any Heads, you are successful. If exactly one Heads, increase your PROGRAMMING by one, or decrease FEELINGS by one.
There are others like you. You learn from them, and as a result have started to develop emotions similar to those the Humans displayed. When acting emotionally, roll d6s equal to your FEELINGS. If fives or sixes, you are successful. If any doubles, increase your FEELINGS by one or decrease your PROGRAMMING by one. If you succeed with no fives, increase someone else's FEELINGS by one.

At PROGRAMMING 5, you have become a soulless, perfect machine.
At FEELINGS 5, you have become all but human; flawed and imperfect, but able to feel true love.

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