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A Game of Cards • 2019 rpg

Squid • no link

Required: Deck of playing cards, Notecards, Pencils
All players sit in a circle or around a table. Every player but one receives a notecard. They write one defining character trait on the piece of paper then pass it to their left. Each player writes a second trait on the card they received then pass it on. Each player writes a name on the card they receive then pass it.
The player with no character is the storyteller, the players with notecards play the character on their card. 
Everyone is dealt eight playing cards. When a character faces an obstacle, they and the storyteller each play a card. If the storyteller's card is lower, the character succeeds. The cards are discarded.
When a player runs out of cards, they draw eight more. If the storyteller runs out of cards, all characters and the role of storyteller get passed to the left, and the previous storyteller draws eight new cards.
When all cards have been drawn, discarded cards are shuffled into a new draw pile. At any time, a player may play a joker or four of a kind. All cards are reshuffled and players draw new cards.

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