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Moments After - The Storytelling RPG • 2019 rpg

The Rusty DM •

                    You can't believe it happened. It changed your lives forever.

                              How will you recover?

                              How will you get through this?

                              How will you survive the Moments After?

What's needed:
3+ players that enjoy drama
5-10 minutes per round

Start by introducing the group the story is about:

Each player adds either a positive or negative characteristic to the group. The number of each must be close to equal. Repeat as desired.

"Life was good; Perhaps they were happy... Until something happened...

Step 1: One player gives a word to describe a life-changing event. Each player then adds another descriptor.

Step 2: One player describes how the group reacts to this event, adding dramatic details as desired.

Step 3: All players then hold their hands out and make either a fist or thumbs up. 

If there were more thumbs up, everyone adds a positive detail to the described narrative.
If there were more fists, everyone adds a dramatic detail instead.
If more than one fist was thrown, those players that threw fists add a dramatic detail instead of a positive one.

Repeat the steps until everyone gets a turn on Step 2.

Lastly, have fun!

Author Comments

Thank you so much for the help, Red. This entry would’ve been only a heap of words and inspiration without you there to edit and help me make it a useful storytelling RPG and worldbuilding tool.

What inspired this? I was playtesting the RPG I wrote, Life After, and wanted to build the world we would be playing in together as a group. We ended up fumbling through the worldbuilding process but still managed to create an exciting world and backstory for the group, but I had a thought: What if we gave this process more structure and let everyone contribute to the story equally, giving those usually too shy to speak up during a worldbuilding session the moment with the mic that they deserve?

Cue the creation of Moments After

Thanks for reading!

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