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Just Survive • 2019 rpg

Kayla Bayens, DM Dalliance •

You all are trapped by Corruption, a thing that takes over and rots a person twisting them into a thing. Your goal is to Just Survive.

Build your setting - How did the Corruption start? Where are you? Where is safety? How did your group come together?

As a group pick 3 goals you must accomplish to escape to safety. 

Individually secretly pick a short & long term goal for your character. Each player roll a d12, that's how many hours you have to live it is your choice to share this or not. As you complete each goal roll the d12 to extend your life by that many hours. Introduce your character.

Actions are all considered contested, each side rolls a pool of d20 with the highest winning. The Corruption starts with d20 equal to the number of players. Add a d20 to the pool for each Player or Corrupted assisting sides. After a player has failed three times your character dies. When dead you turn into a Corrupted and work against the group. 

Roll only for actions where the outcome might produce an interesting result or the success of it will control if all in the group survives.

Author Comments

I wanted something that invoked a sense of urgency but let the players run wild to fit it in as many situations as possible. I suggest waiting till a dark stormy night for the best game or until PG&E cuts off your power.

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