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Bullshit, LLC • 2019 rpg

Barron van Deusen • no link

! Content Warning: Imposter Syndrome, Unemployment !

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Your resume is so padded you could wear it to keep the chill off. The problem? You've been tapped for The Big Project. Your goal? Don't get found out as a complete fraud.

Each player describes their character. State their name and job title. Any non-executive occupation is allowed. The GM describes the company, however much they choose.

Players need five bullshit tokens (cards, coins, beer koozies, etc) apiece.

When challenged by the GM, players roll 1d6. If they roll under their number of bullshit tokens, they succeed. If not, lose one bullshit token.

Players may corroborate their bullshit: roll 1d6 per corroborating player against their total number of bullshit tokens. Rolling under is a success.

Players may also call bullshit on other players. Roll 1d6. If the roll is higher than the other player's number of bullshit tokens, the other player is called out and loses a bullshit token.

Once per game, a player may double down on their bullshit - roll twice and take the higher number.

Rolls that tie count as successes.

If a player loses all bullshit tokens, they're fired. They can relax. Unwind. Update their resume.

Author Comments

Immense thanks to MrWyattFord for pulling me into this and for all of the help, the brainstorming, and the countless hours bullshitting.

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