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Best Friend Spruce • 2019 rpg

Jay Treat •

! Content Warning: self-destructive behavior, being ignored, watching a loved one struggle !

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You are a tree and your best friend is a human. She talks to you, confides in you, even touches you. Jenny tells you things she tells no one else and she loves you. You talk to her too, of course-You soothe and advise her, because you care deeply about Jenny-She just can't hear you. At least, she sure doesn't listen.

[Go to a bad advice site like and read the first question that engages you.]

Listen to Jenny. Empathize with her. Offer her solace. Answer her questions and give her the advice she asks for.

[Read the first response to that question that suggests a possible course of action. Jenny leaves (how long?) and does that.]

Wait until she returns to learn how things have developed for your human friend. She never ever takes your advice, and you watch things go from bad to worse for her, but you never stop caring.

[Imagine how things went for Jenny. Your worst realistic imagining is exactly what happened.]

Your presence soothes her. It feels good.

Then she asks you something new.

[Find another question on the site, in a related category. Repeat until one of you passes on.]

Author Comments

If you’re not in a headspace to filter awful internet comments, source Jenny’s questions and actions from a human you trust instead.

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