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The Kid From Utah • 2019 rpg

Jim Fitzpatrick •

The Kid from Utah
A game of awkward teenage interactions
Requires: 4 players, pens, index cards, a coin

- Choose one player to be the Kid, a robot who looks exactly like a human teenager.  Something's gone wrong, so the Kid's creators dumped them in generic modern suburbia but botched the memory deletion routine.

- Label four cards "Personal," "Social," "Culture," and "Other."  Each player writes one memory on each card, e.g. "I have six siblings," "girls/boys like it when you them ask a lot of questions," "<band> is so cool."  Give them to the Kid.

- Together, choose (1) a scene location, such as a coffee shop or the locker room after gym class; (2) 1+ players to play through a scene with the Kid; (3) a role for the scene partner(s), such as a teacher or another teen.

- Kid, your cover story is that you're from Utah.  However, you know nothing about Utah.  Do what you can with your limited memories and wits and go make friends.

- Play your scene.  Afterward, flip the coin for each card.  If the coin is heads, scrap the card and make one with new memories.

- Play more scenes until you're done.

Author Comments

Sincerest thanks to the Bransonhearts crew.

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