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THEY // FEED • 2019 rpg

Joel Salda •

THEY eat people. THEY spread. Your group survived. Resources are scarce. The shelter depends on you.

Each survivor needs 1 long grocery receipt, pencil, d4s. Survivors start with (100 - receipt price total) luck. Who are you? Why do you protect the shelter?

-Round all numbers down

-Scavenge supplies
-Avoid THEM. 

Each Day: 
(1) Traveling
(2) Scavenging
(3) Transporting
(4) Resting

First 3 phases:
-Player rolls d4 for an obstacle (THEM).
-Describe location, objects, obstacle.
-Each survivor strikes-through 1+ receipt items for an action. Describe. Add your prices.
-Roll (phase #)d4 for obstacle. Add all the d4s. Do THEY notice you?
-If survivor's price >= obstacle, survivor unnoticed. Move to next phase. 
-Noticed survivors must strikethrough receipt discounts to lower notice or lose luck = highest, two d4 rolled. Describe how.

Survivors find goods. Spend luck = item price. Circle receipt items and price to acquire. Survivors narrate search. How do they feel about what they find?

Survivors hand out goods. Strikethrough circled items. Each survivor gains luck = (combined receipt item prices / player count). Narrate survivor's interaction with shelter people and group. Who are they?

Strikethrough items are gone.

0 luck or receipt items = survivor dies. Narrate their end.

Author Comments

Such an interesting challenge. More words and I would have included a traveling encumbrance system. (Combined prices of item you acquire / 2) would have lowered your action in the (3) transporting phase.

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