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And Then We Were No More • 2019 rpg

Dave Leaman •

! Content Warning: Death of a people !

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Let's tell the story of how our world ended. 

This game unfolds as a series of scenes played in reverse chronological order. 

= What You Need =

* 2-6 players
* Index cards
* Writing implements

= Starting =

Write "and then we were no more" on an index card. That is scene zero. The first player sets scene one, which is set just before scene zero, and each subsequent scene is set before the last.

= Your Turn =

Write on a blank index card:
* The new scene number
* A question the scene will answer
* Names of characters present

Write any other important details on additional cards. Each player chooses a character to play, and freeform roleplay begins.

__Every character must die in their first scene.__
Note that since scenes progress backward through time, characters may reappear in subsequent scenes.

When all new characters have died and the scene's question has been answered, the scene ends. Write the question's answer on the scene card, and begin the next player's turn.

= Ending =

Instead of their turn, any player may end the game (and begin the chronology) by writing "This is how our world ended" as the final card. 

Finally, read through the cards in chronological order.

Author Comments

Many thanks to @dymphna_saith and @TimHutchingsFTW for their useful feedback

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