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& the night swallowed us • 2019 rpg

Annamyriah de Jong • no link

! Content Warning: vague death !

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you sit on the limit of everything, legs dangling over the edge;
you've done this before.
planets & worlds
torn & sundered again and again 
your hands bloodied & left full in the aftermath. 

what was it like this time? 

[roll d4s and tell the story of the place you devastated.]

when you arrived, it was:
- a quiet place
- already ruined
- raucous & beautiful
- simply a place; that's all that matters

you held it: 
- dear
- without regard
- fond enough
- with disdain

its population:
- was trusting
- never let you into their fold
- allowed you to orbit them
- loved you 

its downfall was:
- slow and unsteady
- chaotic
- unexpected
- an orchestrated process

its destruction was:
- choice
- consequence
- necessary
- accidental
did you love someone there?:
- it's inevitable that you always do
- not this time
- just this once
- you wouldn't dare 

what did you gain from this all?:
- little
- everything
- nothing 
- something, but whatever it was, it wasn't worth it

and then, when it's gone:

what's next?
- you go on, you suppose
- a repetition
- there's no choice but to continue this 
- no rest for the wicked (or for the divine)

[turns pass to left. If alone, doom another world or pause your path of ruination]

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