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Heavy Words • 2019 rpg

C. Martins •

A dark cloud floats above your head... the desire you've left drifts away from your body. You try to move, but your limbs don't respond to your commands.
You're somehow trapped inside your own mind. To set yourself free you need to find the word that keeps you prisoner.

One of the players will be the "Word Keeper" [WK]. The other(s) will be "Prisoner(s)"
Each Prisoner picks a stone. They write on its surface a word with meaning.

Wk is responsible for:
*Creating the world and filling the scenario with surrealism
*Setting obstacles to prisoners
*Asking the prisoners some questions (specially "what do you do?")

*Play to escape reality and surpass WK's obstacles by answering the questions they are addressed
*Can't show the written word to other players
*Can't say their own written word! 

While playing, if WK says the Prisoner's word, the stone is shown and the word is revealed.
Prisoner shows the importance of that word to him (by telling a flashback episode).
WK ends the narrative (by telling how that word sets the prisoner free).
The stone is thrown away as far as it can and the game is over.

Author Comments

Props to André Tavares and Telmo Leal

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