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Responsibilities • 2019 rpg

Sebastian A Becker •

! Content Warning: Alzheimer, neglect, strong feelings. !

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As many players as you want.
Someone you love has Alzheimer. You players must take care of they for 8 weeks.

Every week the loved one makes something that stress you. That must be up to you and how much you want to get into it.
Each player rolls a D6 signifying how much stress each of you gain. 
After that you get one chance to reduce the stress in one of two ways:

-Working with the loved one. Taking care of them and later confronting you feelings.
Roll a D4. Reduce the stress by that level.

- Get angry or sad. Ignore the problem and let someone else deal with it. 
Roll a D12. Reduce the stress by that number and add half of it as Guilt. Round down.

After 8 weeks you count the stress and the guilt together and see who has more negative points.

Author Comments

Was dealing with feelings of my own and found this. Why not work them with something I love. TTRPG.

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