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Atomic Flux • 2019 rpg

Jon • no link

Game Name: Atomic Flux

Congratulations, you and your party have survived one of the first prototypes of a teleportation device! Unfortunately, there have been some complications with your anatomy. The atoms of your body are in a constant state of flux, held together only by you willpower and memory of being human! However, your ability to change your atomic structure grants you some exceptional abilities. . .  at a cost. 

Each NPC, creature, and monster introduced to the campaign will have four "aspects" assigned to it. For example: a bird will have the four aspects of "wings," "feathers," "beak," and "talons." 

Continuing the example: PC's will be able to alter their atomic structure to emulate the bird, but they can't choose one aspect. Instead they declare that they want to "emulate" the bird and roll a d4 to see which of the four aspects they get: they might have wanted wings for flight but instead they get a beak! This can lead to hilarity and creative solutions. 

In order to "emulate" you need to spend a resource called "humanity," the more drastic the transformation the more humanity you spend. If you run out, you die! 

Have fun! 

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