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A Load of Cobblers • 2019 rpg

Giles Pritchard •

You are cobblers from a grand fantasy city trying to one-up each other about how the boots you made were more vital to a deadly quest than the last.

The boots you made were:

Trait:    D6	    	boots of	Trait: D6
1	Invisible			Dancing	
2	Dragon Skin			Standing still
3	Stone				Noisiness
4	Enmagicked			Love
5	Floral				Music
6	Hairy				Telepathy

The hero wearing boots:

        D6	     +	        D6
1	Star			Horse
2	Fire			Tiger
3	Jittery			Kitten
4	Thunder		        Duck
5	Tiny			Goose
6	Frenzied                Mantis

Each player takes a turn in telling a 6 minute (maximum) story about the climactic moment of a quest in which the boots they made were vital the success of the hero in that scene. The player telling the story is the active player.

A coin or token is awarded every time the active player describes a moment where a Trait of the boots was vital to the success of [insert hero] in the scene described. Coins are awarded by the listening cobblers. Coins are not given if a specific use of a Trait has been described already.

A story being told should make sense, and not be contradictory or repetitive.

Author Comments

A debt is here owed to The Extraordinary Adventures of Baron Munchausen, Once Upon a Time, and all other, similar, story telling games.

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