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Pirate ship in Hell • 2018 rpg

Nevermore •

______ _           _             _     _         _         _   _      _ _ 
| ___ (_)         | |           | |   (_)       (_)       | | | |    | | |
| |_/ /_ _ __ __ _| |_ ___   ___| |__  _ _ __    _ _ __   | |_| | ___| | |
|  __/| | '__/ _` | __/ _ \ / __| '_ \| | '_ \  | | '_ \  |  _  |/ _ \ | |
| |   | | | | (_| | ||  __/ \__ \ | | | | |_) | | | | | | | | | |  __/ | |
\_|   |_|_|  \__,_|\__\___| |___/_| |_|_| .__/  |_|_| |_| \_| |_/\___|_|_|
                                        | |                               

You play the crew of a pirate ship, sailing through hell to find The Treasure. 

Each player is defined by:

 - One thing they are great at
 - Three things they are good at
 - One thing they can't do

 - Their goal (rescuing a dead loved one/ escaping Hell/ becoming the Devil/ etc.
 - Their sin/ biggest fear/ weakness

Character/ adventure generation will be interactive. Each player will use an adjective or noun to describe:
 - Tone of adventure
 - Main villain
 - A challenge they want to face
 - Etc.

The Referee will then combine these words to produce something coherent. 
Random details are similarly crowdsourced (e.g. "The Innkeeper is..." "Tall!" "Rude!" "A monkey!"), but the Referee has the final word on what's admissible. 

Ideally the game is played as a one-shot or short campaign, with each character being able to face their sin and get close or reach their goal. 

As in any good RPG the goal is to have fun telling a story together.

Uncertain actions are decided by the Referee based on the situation. If dice have to be used it will be by comparing results. Being good at something allows to throw two and choose one. Being great allows to roll three. 

Author Comments

A big shout out to /r/OSR for being the best community out there, and to Spaghetti Quester for being the best artist, friend and pasta eater I know :)

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