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Midlife Crisis on Infinite Earths • 2019 rpg

Joshua Moretto • no link

One person adjudicates the game and helps stage conflicts.  They are the Monitor.

Give each player one red playing card and one black playing card.

Each player creates a middle-aged individual.

Each player also creates an alternate-universe version of another player's character that has been pulled into our universe.

Each player randomly assigns their cards, in secret (they can look) to their two characters.  The character with the red card is possessed by an evil force and wants to ruin lives.  They want to supplant their non-evil counterpart.

For each character, assign a D6, D10, and D12 to the stats Confidence, Longing, and Nostalgia, as desired.

Assign each character a crisis (a divorce, job loss, etc.) and a goal (new love, reconciliation, etc.).  Define the relationships between the characters.  All non-alternate characters are from the same universe.  Alternates do not need to be.

Play starts with the Monitor setting a scene and calling out at least two characters who are present, and continues until a conclusion is apparent.  Repeat as required by your story.

Resolve conflicts by describing the action, deciding the relevant stat, and rolling the assigned die (highest roll wins or meeting target set by the Monitor).

Author Comments

It started with a dumb pun, and I just ran with it. Thanks to Patrik Renholm of f*** for unwittingly making me aware of this.

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