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Last goodbye • 2019 rpg

Daniele Antonio Barbaglia •

! Content Warning: Infection, desease, death !

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You've been infected and in a few hours you could either turn into something or die.

Take a piece of paper, this is your last diary.
Take a pen and write 2 or 3 short sentences about what happened.
What infected you and how? How do you feel about it?
Fold the diary and put it in your pocket. 

During the next few hours whenever you take a break (coffee, lunch, toilet, etc.), remember your diary.
Find a pen and add a detail by writing 2 more sentences.
Choose from:
- Were you with someone? Where were you?
- How did you react? What were your thoughts?
- What were you doing when this happened?
- Did you try to hide or cure the infection?

The longer the day goes on, your writing becomes illegible due to infection getting worse.
In order:
- You'll not be able to use punctuation.
- Only verbs, nouns and adjectives.
- You'll confuse the words and no longer write them in order.
- Use only a few letters of every words.

When you have written the 4 details the game ends and you will no longer be human.
Scrawl now the last words to say goodbye to someone.

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