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The Liminal Hotel Guest Book • 2019 rpg

Ryan King •

In an empty notebook, write:

To slip into the hotel at the seam of the real, hold this book closed in your hands while you lay down to sleep. Listen for the chatter of the hotel's liminal attendants as they roll precarious push-carts down the hall. When their aether voices ring true in your ears, open the book to see the hotel room that they have made for you, cluttered with objects bizarre and mundane.

If this is your first time holding this guest book, write down three things you see, feel, and hear. If this is a return visit, notice that your room is different now. Write what things the attendants have taken from your room, and what new things are here, perhaps visiting from another guest's room.

Some of what you write must be real. 
All of it must be true.

Sign and date your entry however you like. Sleep, and listen to the murmurs of the attendants for truths, material or imagined. When you wake, you'll find yourself returned to your bed.

When you meet the next guest of the hotel (you will know), hand this book to them and tell them to read it alone.

Author Comments

Thanks to all my friends who gave me feedback!

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