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Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme • 2019 rpg

corvidcall •

This game has two roles: THE LOVER and THE WORLD

LOVER: You are in love, but your love has refused you. Write down what they dislike about you on notecards (poor, short, cowardly, etc). They have given you an impossible task in order to win their hand, and you intend to see it through.

WORLD: You are vast and filled with magic. Many things seem impossible, but nothing is truly so, if one is willing to change. 

Each scene, THE WORLD describes a challenge THE LOVER faces on their quest. Together, you discuss how the challenge is resolved. If you cannot agree, flip a coin. At the end of the scene, THE WORLD gives THE LOVER a new notecard with a new quality on it- something they learned or developed from this challenge. THE WORLD may also take an old notecard away, if they feel the quality no longer applies based on THE LOVER's actions.

The game ends when all THE LOVER's original qualities are gone. Together, THE LOVER and THE WORLD describe how the impossible task was completed, and THE LOVER returns home a changed person, to decide if they still desire the love they have now won.

Author Comments

Inspired by the song “Scarborough Fair”, and movies like Stardust

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