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Killer Party, Dude! • 2019 rpg

T. H. Ravencroft •

! Content Warning: Murder, Death, Stalking !

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Woo, house party! Downside: Murderer!

Equipment: d6s, pen, paper

Roll a d6.
1: Jeff. Roll 2 dice on Attacks, keep the best.
2: Cindy. Roll 2 dice on Betrayals, keep the best.
3: Wanda: Roll 2 dice on Flee, keep the best.
4: Ned: Go first.
5: Derek: Go last.
6: Kara: 2 deaths to die. 


1: living room
2: dining room
3: master bedroom
4: guest bedroom
5: garage
6: basement

The players each declare which room they are in. 

Roll a d6 to determine which room the killer is in. 

If players dodge the killer, advance one turn. If player(s) and killer share a room, resolve choices in the following order with a d6.

Flee: Run away! Roll 1 and die. Otherwise abandon your friends for the turn.

Betray: Use someone as a distraction. Roll 1: You die. Roll 2: Both of you die. 3-5: They die, you live. 6: Both of you live.

Attack: Fight back! Roll 1: You die. 2-4: You live. 5-6. Inflict a wound. The killer takes 3 wounds before dying. 

A turn is complete when everyone in the room acts or dies. It's 8 turns til morning.

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