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This place • 2019 rpg

Gray Darling •

A long time ago, you lived in this place. A long time ago, too, but a few decades more recently, you died here. 

You have been watching ever since. Much has changed. 

Discuss what "this place" will mean for this session. Be open to sharing what excites or discomforts you; be equally open to hearing this from your fellow players.

Here are some starter ideas:

-a floating river-city now beset by rot and flu
-protecting the guardian dragon
-the slow inroads of deer and creeping vines
-the trial and exile of the final monarch
-a people among the stars

Expand on ideas as much as you like. Continue developing "this place" until you feel happy with it, and ready to play in its space.

Then, taking turns, choose an element to put the spotlight on. Feel free to name and choose something new.

Time ticks on. Tell what's happened, using your result as broad, impressionistic inspiration.

Roll 1d12.

1: Sudden, drastic ruin.
2: Inevitable reclamation.
3: Slow coming-apart at the seams.
4: Palimpsest.
5: Delicate new life.
6: Resurgence.
7: Working together.
8: Staying apart.
9: Dogged perseverance.
10: Betrayal.
11: Blood.
12: Thin hope.

Continue play until done.

Author Comments

“this place” is a game about rolling to find out what happens to your home. 1+ player(s).

“this place” is also written for Spirits Eve Fest ( and the Gentle Ghost Jam (

The drawing used as a cover image is Hieronymus Cock’s “View of ruins on the Palatine Hill” (1550).

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