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Grumpy Neighborhood • 2019 rpg

Daniel Teixeira de Carvalho •

This is a game without the common Game Master where all the participants take on the role of an elderly person living in a quiet neighborhood.
All the players are neighbors and they all face the same threat: the annoying kids that keep moving in with their loud music and over-the-top shenanigans.
The game begins with the oldest member in the group stating what kind of erratic behavior the kids are conducting and sets a difficulty of 1 to 6. Then the next player (clockwise) says how he/she will kick them out, rolling a 6 sided die and succeeding if the roll meets or exceeds the difficulty. If the roll is lower, the kids remain, calling their friends and increasing the base difficulty by 1.
Once all the players have had a turn, the difficulty can't get lower than 5, since the kids will be starting their new best party of the year.
More than ever, the neighbors must work together! Each player states their part on the great plan and in the end they all roll. On a 5 or higher, they manage to kick the kids of their neighborhood, returning to their peaceful lives!

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